Airports Authority of India, invites application from eligible candidates who are domicile of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Puducherry and Lakshadweep islands to fill up the following Group-C posts at various airports in the above states in Southern Region. Candidates shall apply Online through AAI’s website i.e., www.aai.aero under tab “CAREERS”, for the following posts. No application through any other mode will be accepted.

Vacancy Details
- Junior Assistant (Fire Service) 73
- Junior Assistant (Office) 02
- Senior Assistant (Electronics) 25
- Senior Assistant (Accounts) 19
- Total 119
Age Limit
The candidates’ Age shall be 18 to 30 years as on 20/12/2023 and the upper age limit is relaxable as follows 3 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) 5 years for SC/ST .
Education Qualification
1.Junior Assistant (Fire Service):
i) 10th Pass + 3 years’ approved regular Diploma in Mechanical/Automobile/ Fire
ii) 12th Pass (Regular Study)
a) Valid Heavy Vehicle Driving License (OR)
b) Valid Medium Vehicle License issued atleast one year before the date of Advertisement i.e. 20/12/2023. (OR)
c) Valid Light Motor Vehicle(LMV) license issued atleast two years before the date of Advertisement i.e. 20/12/2023.
2. Junior Assistant (Office) Graduate
3. Senior Assistant (Electronics) Educational Qualification: Diploma in Electronics /Telecommunication/ Radio Engineering
Experience (Post Qualification Experience): Two years relevant experience* in the concerned discipline. (In the field of Electronics /Telecommunication/ Radio Engineering)
4. Senior Assistant (Accounts) Educational Qualification: Graduates preferably B.Com.
Experience (Post Qualification Experience ): Two (2) years relevant experience in the field of preparation of Financial Statements, taxation(direct & indirect), audit and other Finance & Accounts related field experience.
Application fee :
Application fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) (Including GST) to be paid by the Candidates belonging to UR,OBC,EWS category.
i. Women / SC / ST / Ex-servicemen candidates / Persons with Benchmark Disabilities and also the apprentices who have successfully completed one year are exempted from payment of application fee
How to Apply
I. Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail ID & Mobile No. and must ensure that it isactive during the entire recruitment process. Application sequence number, User ID, Passwordand all other important communication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID (pleaseensure that email sent to this mail box is not redirected to your junk/spam folder) & mobile No. The following are the official notification and application link
Official notification : click here