Applications are invited for the position of a Field cum Lab Assistant in a University of Kerala sponsored specific project, ‘Lab infrastructure development for the first flour of the newly constructed building and augmentation of the existing ongoing research programmes in the Centre for Biodiversity Conservation, University of Kerala, Kariyavattom. The duration of the project is one year (Maximum), and the position is co-terminus with the project.
Department | University of Kerala |
Name of the Post | Field cum Lab Assistant |
Type | research programmes |
Scale of Pay | Rs. 15,000/-pm |
Vacancies | Anticipated |
Apply Mode | Offline |
Location | Kerala |
Field cum Lab Assistant
- Essential : First class BSc Botany
- Desirable : Experience in plant related Fields and Laboratory Experience
- Emoluments Rs. 15,000/-pm
- Age Limit 35 years Age relaxation:Government rules

Application-on plain paper along with bio-data and attested copies of all the relevant documents may be sent to Hon. Director, Centre for Biodiversity Conservation, Department of Botany, University of Kerala, Kariyavattom, Thiruvananthapuram 695 581 on or before 12th July 2023.
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