Online Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for filling up of the following vacancies for the post of Parliamentary Interpreter [Level 10 (Rs. 56100-177500) in the Pay Matrix] in Lok Sabha Secretariat on Direct Recruitment basis The Following are The Details
Department | Lok Sabha Secretariat |
Name of the Post | Parliamentary Interpreter |
Type | Gvt Job |
Scale of Pay | Rs. 56100-177500 |
Vacancies | 13 |
Apply Mode | Online |
Location | India |
13- The number of vacancies specified in respect of the post is subject to change.*08 English/Hindi stream interpreters and 05 regional language/stream interpreters viz. one each in Dogri, Kashmiri, Konkani, Santhali & Sindhi.

- For English/Hindi Interpreters: Qualifications: Master’s Degree in English with Hindi as a compulsory/elective subject at the Degree Level or Master’s Degree in Hindi with English as a compulsory/elective subject at the Degree Level or Master’s Degree in any other discipline with English and Hindi as compulsory/elective subjects at the Degree Level.Upper Age Limit: 35 years.
- For Regional Language Interpreters: Qualifications: Master’s Degree in English or any other discipline (with English as a compulsory/elective subject at the Degree Level) with regional language(s) concerned as recognized in the Constitution of India as a compulsory/elective subject at the Degree Level. Upper Age Limit: 35 years.
Eligible candidates will have to appear in Oration Test/Written Test/Simultaneous Interpretation Test/Personal Interview as follows:
I. Oration Test:
II. Written Test:
III. Simultaneous Interpretation Test.
IV. Personal Interview
The examination for the English/Hindi Stream will be held at Delhi; Dogri at Jammu; Kashmiri at Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir); Konkani at Panaji (Goa); Santhali at Ranchi (Jharkhand); and Sindhi at Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar (Gujarat) or Mumbai (Maharashtra)for whichever more eligible candidates for Sindhi Stream give preference to take the examination. The exact place/centre/venue of examination(s) will be intimated to the eligible candidates at the time of issue of admit cards. In case, there are very few eligible candidates for a stream, Recruitment Branch may hold the examination for that stream in Delhi only.
APPLICATION START | 03/03/2023 |
How to Apply
I. Eligible applicants are required to apply online only under the link https://loksabha.nic.in/ → Recruitment → Apply Online. No other means/mode of application will be accepted. Before applying, the applicants are advised to thoroughly go through this advertisement to ensure that she/he fulfils all the eligibility conditions for the post. The admission of candidates at all stages of examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.
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