The Railway Recruitment Cell Western Railway has 2409 Apprentice job vacancies across India. Eligible candidates can apply online from August 29, 2023, to September 28, 2023.
Vacancy Details:
- Mumbai Cluster: 1649
- Pune Cluster: 152
- Solapur Cluster: 76
- Bhusawal Cluster : 418
- Nagpur Cluster: 114
- Total: 2409

Qualification :
The candidate must have passed 10th class examination or its equivalent (under the 10+2 examination system) with a minimum 50% marks, in aggregate, from recognized Board and >also possess a National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by the National Council for Vocational Training or Provisional Certificate issued by National Council for Vocational Training / State Council for Vocational Training.
Age Limit:
(As on 29-08-2023) Minimum Age: 15years Maximum Age: 24 years The upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years in the case of SC/ST candidates, 3 years in the case of >OBC candidates Candidate should be born between 29/08/1999 >to 29/08/2008 For UR Candidate should be born between 29/08/1994 to 29/08/2008 For SC/ST Candidate should be born between 29/08/1996 to 29/08/2008 For OBC
- Merit List
- Document Verification
- Medical Fitness Test
Selection Selection will be on the basis of the merit list prepared (trade-wise, unit-wise, community-wise) The merit list in each unit will be prepared on the basis of the percentage of marks obtained in matriculation ( with minimum50% aggregate marks) + ITI marks in the trade in which Apprenticeship is to be done The panel will be on the basis of the average of marks in the matriculation and ITI.
Application Fee:
Gen/OBC Candidates: Rs. 100/- (Non-refundable) SC/ST Candidates: Rs. 0/- Salary Package: The Candidates will be Paid a Salary in the form >of a Stipend during the training at the prescribed rate as per extant rules governed by the concerned State Governments.
How To Apply :
ONLINE NFR Apprentice Applications Form are invited from imparting training under the Apprentices Act 1961 in the designated trades at Workshops/Units in the jurisdiction of N.F. Railway against 4 be submitted only ONLINE till 23.09.2023 17:00 hrs. of the closing date. CR Apprentice Online Form Steps to Apply For Online Mode: Visit the official website: @www >rrccr.com Read the notification carefully. Then Register yourself by clicking on “Click Here to Registration” Fill in the details like personal details and educational details. Login using the credentials sent to your E-mail ID and registered mobile number. Fill the other details in the application form Recheck and then submit the form. Upload all the documents asked like photographs ((3 >5 cm x4.5 cm) and signatures. Download and take out a print of the form for future use.
Official Notification : Click here
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