Applications are invited from qualified candidates for selection to the following post. Applications shall be submitted online only on the official website of theCommission after “ONE TIME REGISTRATION”. Candidates who have already registered can apply through their profile. Candidates who have AADHAAR card should add AADHAAR as ID proof in their profil The following are the important details
Department | Local self government (ERA) Department |
Name of the Post | Secretary local self government institutions |
Category No | 571/2023 |
Scale of Pay | 51400-110300 |
Vacancies | Anticipated vacancy |
Apply Mode | online |
Location | All over Kerala |

Education Qualification Age Limit Other Information is given below and read it completely and apply
Age limit :
18-36: Only candidates born between 02/01/1987 and 01/01/2005 (both dates are included) are eligible to apply for the post with usual age relaxation to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Communities.(For other conditions of age relaxation please see Para(2) of Part II General Conditions in the Gazette)
Qualifications :
– Graduation from a recognized university ,National institutes established by the Central Government or Institutions established by the Government of Kerala GO(P) NO: 74/2022/LSGD dated 27/10/2022)
1) Rule 10(a) (ii) of Part II KS &SSR is applicable.
2) In addition to the qualifications prescribed in the notification, the qualifications recognized by
executive orders, or standing orders of Government as equivalent to a qualification specified for
the post, in the Special Rules and such of those qualifications which pre-suppose the acquisition
of the lower qualification prescribed for the post, shall also be sufficient for the post. The copy of
the Government orders declaring equivalent/higher qualifications shall be produced as and when
required by the Commission.
3) The Degrees/Diplomas awarded by UGC approved Universities or Institutions establishedthrough an Act passed by Parliament/State Legislative Assembly in accordance with the
conditions laid down in G.O (M.S) No.526/PD dated 17.07.1965 are acceptable for appointment
in Government Services.
APPLICATION START | 29/12/2023 |
How to Apply
Candidates must register as per ‘ONE TIMEREGISTRATION’ with the official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission( www.keralapsc.gov.in) before applying for the post. Candidates who have registered can apply by logging on to their profile using their User-ID and password. Candidates must click on the ‘Apply Now’ button of the respective posts in the Notification Link to apply for a post
Note :– ഇത് കേരള സർക്കാരിന്റെ ജോബ് പോർട്ടൽ ആയ PSC വഴിയാണ് അപേക്ഷ നൽകേണ്ടത്. ആദ്യമായി അപേക്ഷ നൽകുന്നവർ ആണെങ്കിൽ PSC യിൽ വൺ ടൈം രജിസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്യണം അതിനുശേഷം ലഭിക്കുന്ന യൂസർ നെയിമും പാസ്സ്വേർഡ് ഉപയോഗിച്ച് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് അപേക്ഷ നൽകാം
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