Recruitment of Police constables to the Commando Wing(Men Only) of India Reserve Battalion through a Special Selection Board Applications are invited from qualified candidates for selection to the following post. Applications shall be submitted online only on the official website of theCommission after “ONE TIME REGISTRATION”. Candidates who have already registered can apply through their profile. Candidates who have AADHAAR card should add AADHAAR as ID proof in their profil The following are the details

Department | Kerala Police (IRB) |
Name of the Post | Police Constable |
Category No | 136/2022 |
Scale of Pay | 31100-66800 |
Vacancies | 199(male only) |
Apply Mode | online |
Location | All over Kerala |
Application Closed | 18.05.2022 |
Age limit :
Age Must have completed 18 years (Eighteen) of age and must not have completed 22 years (Twenty Two) of age as on 01.01.2022. No relaxation in age will be allowed for any special category
Qualifications :
Pass in SSLC or its equivalent. No relaxation in qualification will be allowed for any special category.
Physical Qualifications:
Must be physically fit and should possess the following minimum physical standards as prescribed below
(i) Height – 167 cms
(i) Chest – 81 cms with a minimum expansion of 5 cms.
Endurance Test (Qualifying Test) :-
All candidates who have applied will have to undergo an endurance test,which will be of qualifying nature, and shall consist of a Road Run of 5km, to be completed within 25 minutes. Individual memos will not be issued for the test. Candidates can download the admission ticket for the Endurance test from their ‘One Time Profile’ in KPSC website www.keralapsc.gov.in.
Written Test/OMR Test:-
Those who qualify in the endurance test has to undergo a Written Test /OMRTest conducted by the Special Selection Board through KPSC. Marks obtained in the written/OMR test will be given weightage of 25% in the ranking for the selection process as per GO(P)No.33/2022/Home dtd 04.04.2022, subject to such minimum qualifying marks as may be prescribed by the Board depending on overall performance.
Physical Efficiency Test:-
On the basis of the marks obtained in Written/OMR test a Main list and Supplementary Lists containing sufficient number of candidates eligible for reservation, will be published. All the candidates so enlisted will be called for a Physical Efficiency Test as mentioned hereunder.

APPLICATION START | 03-05-2022 |
Candidates must register as per ‘ONE TIME REGISTRATION ‘ with the Official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission ‘www.keralapsc.gov.in’ before applying for the post. Candidates who have registered can apply by logging on to their profile using their User- ID and password. Candidates must click on the ‘Apply Now’ button of the respective posts in the Notification link to apply for a post

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