Applications are invited from the Indian Nationals in the Proforma (Annexure-I) for Direct Recruitment of Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) (General Central Service, Group-C, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial) from Open Market, in M.P. Circle.
Department | Indian Post |
Name of the Post | Staff Car Driver |
Type | Post Office Job |
Scale of Pay | 19900-63200 |
Vacancies | 11 |
Apply Mode | By Post |
Location | MP |
Scale of Pay:
Rs. 19900-Rs 63200 in Level-2 as per Pay Matrix specified in Part A of schedule of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016 plus admissible allowances [ Rs 5200-20200 (Pay Band-1) + Grade Pay Rs 1900 under Pre-revised scale].
Age limit :
Between 18 to 27 years.Relaxation will be provided as under in respect of vacancy reserved for them. For OBC Candidate Relaxableupto 03 years For SC/STCandidate Relaxableupto 05 years
Educational and other qualifications:
- Possession of a valid driving license for light & heavy motor vehicles.
- Knowledge of Motor mechanism. (The candidate should be able to remove minor defects in vehicle).
- Experience of driving Light & Heavy motor vehicles for at least three years
- Pass in10′ standard from a recognized Board or Institute.
- Desirable qualification- Three years’ service as Home Guard or Civil Volunteers.
Criteria for selection:
Candidates qualifying in Stage-I shall be eligible to appear for test in Stage-II. Only such candidates who qualify in each paper of Stage-II shall be considered for preparation of final merit list. Final merit list of the qualified candidates shall be prepared on the basis of total marks secured by the candidates in both the stage of examination. After arranging the candidates in order of merit as per (c) above, number of candidates to be declared successful shall be equal to the number of vacancies in each category.
APPLICATION START | 09/10/2023 |
How to Apply
The eligible candidates may submit their applications only in the prescribed format in Annexure-l, affixing their recent passport size photograph, duly filled in along with enclosures &an Indian Postal Order for Rs.100/- from any Post Office should be enclosed as application fee in an envelope super scribed as “APPLICATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF STAFF CAR DRIVER (ORDINARY GRADE)” addressed to “Asstt Director (Estt/Rectt), O/o Chief Postmaster General, M.P.Circle Bhopal-462027″ so as to reach on or before the last date i.e. 24.11.2023 by SPEED POST/REGISTERED POST ONLY. Application sent through private courier, unregistered post, ordinary mail, other means and by hand etc. will not be accepted.
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